24 May 2010

Back @ Tiong Bahru

I am in fact pretty curious what sketchers bring along in their bags and what kind of bags would they bring to a sketching trip. Clockwise from the left. The first bag which was bought in Hong Kong belongs to Paul. He says there are many compartments that are really useful to store and organize things in a very orderly manner. I love the bag, and according to Paul, it may be available in Wisma. The brand is Porter. On the right is Madam Tia's. A little cloth bag that stores everything from pens to sketchbooks and she brings at least 2 of them. Sometimes she keeps her "Hero" in her back pocket.

This is where we got to know KK who bought the apartment back in 1995, when Tiong Bahru was going like hot cakes. As you can see we sketched him while he was maintaining his old Volks Golf which is now 21 years old. It is rarely common for a Singaporean to own a car that long since it is more "economical" to buy and sell a car in a cycle of 3-4 years. Noone maintains his car on their own here. It is too much of a hassle since you can pay someone to do it.

When I was in the States, to save cost, many of my friends maintained their own car. I got to know a friend who has a garage. Once in a while we would visit him on a weekend to do an oil change. It is like spending time together for the entire afternoon. We would talk and "clean up" the car. I drive a mini caravan which is already 14 years old.


  1. So fast! Great post and I now realise the block you did yesterday was with the brick balcony. Today's block was without the balcony.

  2. LOL yes!!! I was still wondering why you were asking me why was I drawing this again.... yes I am secretly trying to compete with you.... yes.... kekekekeke.....

  3. Love these long sketches. Enjoy the details of stuff on the side and how you write about them.
