05 September 2010

Pagoda Street

Pagoda Street nightscene. 150mm x 210mm. Pigment ink, watercolours. (The darkness was adjusted digitally).


  1. great atmosphere! very brave to sketch alone at night. Keep posting.

  2. very interesting the way the building emerges from the dark!

  3. Thanks Tia. Pagoda Street was crowded and full of people that night, mostly tourists and aggressive touts with menus. I didn't like the atmosphere to be honest. There were many photographers and stallholders too.

    Andrew, it was actually inspired by what you had advised earlier and also the two pieces you posted. I was wondering what could be done and I explored. I had used watercolour paint on a wet surface (cartridge paper rather than watercolour paper). The black pigments (Van Gogh watercolours) weren't enough. I had to adjust the darkness digitally after.

    I took liberties with the accuracy as the place was far more lighted than I had depicted.
