27 February 2011

Urban Sketching @ Raffles Place Feb 2011

Urban Sketchers at Raffles Place - it was a great morning, nice and pleasant weather, cooling too. I was late but I already saw a bunch of people all scattered at the plaza sketching furiously away. I was touched by their passion and enthusiasm. Some came late but it was ok. What mattered was their coming over to Raffles Place to join us in sketching.

The morning got warmer as the sun finally peered out of the clouds lingered around since last night's rain. It was warm but that did not deter our spirit. I walked a distance ahead to Marina Blvd Link to get a view of the skyline. It is a magnificent sight. The sunlight was just right for photography. I sat to sketch and colored my sketch of the skyline. And here it is:

I am glad I am exploring Singapore through sketching. It gives me the first hand experience of getting to know a location I am in. It makes me sit down to ponder about things and look with my eyes, not with my lenses. I am able to assimilate what's around me and take as much in with my senses as possible. It makes you feel alive as a human being too. It makes me question about existence and living.

Sketching is an art of living life to the fullest. :P


  1. fantastic, so glad to see the community growing! Well done sketchers!

  2. Very exciting to see so many new faces!!
